Best pick-me-up video ever!

By Dave Clark

This inspirational video will make you laugh, cry and overall feel better. If life has you down, imagine life with no arms or legs - then watch how Nick Vujicic deals with it - beautifully.

It's always interesting to me to see what people do with challenges and disabilities. Some people give up, claim government welfare and then don't do very much with their lives. Now, honestly, I'm not one to judge since I haven't had a disability of that type. I hope if I had a serious disability, that I would be more like Nick Vujicic in the video. He didn't let his challenges stop him. Instead he used them to find success. We all have some sort of challenge in life. The question is - how will we react to our challenges. Do we trust in God and his wisdom and push forward, or do we give up? This determines who we really are.

Video Stats:

YouTube Rating: 98%

# of Views: 1,922,983 (as of 07/14/14)

# of Ratings: 6,967 (as of 07/14/14)

Category: Inspirational Videos


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More About this Video and Nick:

This video was originally published on YouTube on March 20, 2013. After just over a year, it now (at the time this article was written) has 1.9 million views. Nick Vujicic has inspired literally millions of people. Nick was born December 4th 1982 in Melbourne Australia. He graduated from Griffith University with a double major in financial planning and accountancy. He then became a motivational speaker. He has inspired audiences in 44 countries and 5 continents. He is an inspiration to us all. View more inspirational videos on our website.

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